The Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) is a professional organisation established under Act No. 3 of 2022. The Council is the policy making and governing body of the Institute.
A Premier professional Institute promoting excellence in Human Resource practice and standards.
To continuously develop, regulate and standardize the Human Resource Management profession through international best practice, in order to exceed stakeholder expectations, maximize productivity and contribute to national development.
: We shall conduct ourselves in an ethical manner in the execution of our
duties to promote excellence and total quality management.
We shall foster the creation of a just and equitable environment which
supports impartial HRM practice.
We shall put the obligations of the profession above personal interests and
conduct ourselves in a manner that is beyond reproach.
We shall endeavor to promote generation and transfer of fresh ideas, ideals
and practices that support the HRM profession.
We shall conduct our affairs in an open manner that fosters accountability
for our actions to our stakeholders.
THE 2024 CURRENT UPDATES ON PAYMENT OF PENSION BENEFITS IN ZAMBIA:1. The guidance from: The Supreme Court of Zambia and The Constitutional Court2. PUBLIC SERVICE workers- what are your pension rights?3. Employees in the private sector- what are your pension entitlements4. Which employees are entitled to remain on the payroll after termination of their employment?5. The payment of pension benefits under the current constitution - the critical role of the National values. To register use the link below Read More
The Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) is a professional organisation established under Act No. 3 of 2022.....
Contact us
The Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) is a professional organisation established under Act No. 3 of 2022. .
Social Media
Phone/Email: (260) 95 5404075 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Buchi Road Plot 1780,Off Lubambe Road Northmead, P.O Box 51038, Ridgeway. Lusaka,Zambia2